the difference among MVVM ,MVC and MVP

the difference among MVVM ,MVC and MVP

There are two main ways in which the view of a website manipulates the model of a website. that’s either with a controller or with a View Model.

Although the logic that’s necessary to run an application like Facebook is different from the logic that’s necessary to run an application like google, at its core, any website’s functionality is simply a way in which the front end or the view can reach the appropriate model to retrieve data. In any case, there will always be a model and there will always be a view. What really changes is the way in which the models and views are connected.

How does the v8 engine work?

How does the v8 engine work?

When the V8 engine executes the JS source codes, firstly the parser gets the codes and then constructs a data structure called AST and scope based on it. Next, the bytecode generator runs through the AST and generates the bytecode. Then Ignition compiler reads the bytecode and executes each instruction in turn, performing the operations specified by the bytecode. This allows the code to be executed quickly, even before it is optimized into machine code by the TurboFan compiler. Finally, the TurboFan optimizing compiler converts the bytecode into highly optimized machine code, which can be directly performed by the computer processor. the process of the execution of JS code

The bytecode generated by the V8 engine is not directly executable on the computer’s hardware, because it is a platform-independent representation of the original JavaScript code. However, the bytecode can be interpreted by the Ignition interpreter, which is part of the V8 engine and is capable of executing the bytecode. The Ignition interpreter reads the bytecode and executes it by interpreting each instruction and performing the corresponding operations on the data structures in memory. This allows the JavaScript code to be executed on any platform that has a compatible implementation of the V8 engine, regardless of the underlying hardware architecture.

the programming paradigm comparison between FP and OOP

the programming paradigm comparison between FP and OOP

A programming paradigm is a fundamental approach or style of programming that describes how solutions to problems can be formulated using programming languages.Each programming paradigm is baesd on a set of principles,concepts, and practices that guide the process of software design and development.Here are two programming paradigms that will be differentiated.

The programming paradigm is a way of thinking about and structuring computer programs. For developers, it means how you write your code or organize your code.

Functional Programming

FP is functional programming, which should use pure functions and avoid side effects. the pure function means that the outputs in this function only depend on the inputs. the input paragram can be anything like numbers or functions as well as the outputs. the pure function is easier to test and reason about. ````javascript let num=123 // it is a pure funciton which only depends on the input val and don’t change and depend on any outside value function toString(val){ return val.toString() } const str=toString(num)
